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Colors Leftovers

Tropical Resort Act 1

There’s an unused Tropical Resort Act 1 entry in Sonic Lost World’s actstgmission.lua file.

mission_all = {
    -- RSO(リゾート面)
        missions = {
            -- ACT1(旧ACT1の前半部分)
                name        = "stg110",
                data        = "stg110",
                player_pos  = { -11942.84, 1575.931, 16972.49 },
                player_dir  = { 0.0, -159.2, 0.0 },
                start_event = 1,
                bgm         = "bgm_stg110_rso",
                phantoms    = { "laser", "drill" },
                result_bg   = "result_01_rso_act1",

                score = {
                    rank = {
                        60,   -- S rank (ゴール秒数)
                        120,  -- A rank
                        180,  -- B rank
                        240,  -- C rank
                        320,  -- D rank
                    time_basis = 320000,
                    time_down = 1100,

                    no_miss = {


Only thing changed in this entry from the Sonic Colors version is that player_dir takes in a 3D value, just like every other Sonic Lost World entry.

The entire score block, start_event and result_bg are leftovers from Colors as well, as those values are not read by Sonic Lost World's lua parser function.


This file is responsible for serving information to the game regarding stages, such as where the player should start at or what folder to read the assets for the stage from.

Test Levels

Due to the release of Sonic Colors Ultimate we can identify a few test levels from Sonic Colors that were reused in Sonic Lost World.

test_mission_all = {
   -- プログラマテスト.
      missions = {
         -- mission test(stg901)
            name        = "stg901",
            dir         = "test/stg901",
            player_pos  = { 0, 0, 0 },
            player_dir  = { 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 },
            phantoms    = { "laser", "drill", "spike", "rocket", "rodeo", "astro", "puzzle", "asteroid" },
            score = {
               rank = {
                   800000,  -- S rank
                   700000,  -- A rank
                   450000,  -- B rank
                   200000,  -- C rank
               time_basis = 10000,
               time_down = 500,

               no_miss = {
         -- mission test(stg902)
            name        = "stg902",
            dir         = "test/stg902",
            player_pos  = { 0, 0, 0 },
            player_dir  = { 0.0, -180.0, 0.0 },
            phantoms    = { "laser", "drill", "spike", "rocket", "rodeo", "astro", "puzzle", "asteroid" },

The only difference here when compared to the Colors version is that the entries used take a 3D value for the player_dir tag and the inclusion of the asteroid wisp in the phantoms tag.

stage_all = {
   -- テストステージ
      title = "テストステージ",

      stages = {
         -- オブジェクトテスト用
            name = "stg901",
            title = "オブジェクトテストマップ",
         -- 西村テストマップ
            name = "stg902",
            title = "西村テストマップ",
         -- Multiオブジェクトテスト用
            name = "stg905",
            title = "Multiオブジェクトテストマップ",

The Japanese titles translate to the same values in Sonic Colors Ultimate's files.


This file was only meant to be used by the game's debug menu, which does not exist in the final release, thus making the file a leftover.